Porcelain Veneers An Overview
Dental veneers can improve teeth that have been discolored, misshapen or damaged. Dr. Sisler is an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist in the Shippensburg, PA area who offers high-quality dental veneers for the long term treatment of cosmetic and restorative dental concerns.
Porcelain Veneers may be used to:
- Improve the appearance of crooked teeth
- Fix chipped or broken teeth
- Cover stained or discolored teeth
- Close gaps between teeth
Types of Veneers:
- Composite Resin Veneers: Similar to tooth bonding, composite resin veneers are made from tooth-colored, biocompatible material that is sculpted onto the tooth to create a natural looking tooth. This treatment is not permanent and requires little to no preparation before application.
- Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers are made from an ultra-thin, reflective porcelain. The veneers cover all sides of your teeth and provide a durable, natural looking solution. Porcelain veneers are a permanent dental restoration that provide cosmetic and oral health benefits.
- MicroThin Veneers MicroThin Veneers require minimal preparation and can be placed on teeth in just a few visits. Dr.Sisler is one of the leading cosmetic and restorative dentists in Shippensburg, PA, and offers this treatment to patients who qualify. MicroThin veneers are ideal for patients with small teeth or teeth that are misaligned. If patients need to have the MicroThin veneers removed, they can do so with no damage to the underlying tooth.
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